Hi John, thanks for reading. Look, sometimes as a writer, and you’re one, you have to be bold man! Yes, my opinion, and that’s all it is, my view of the world, is that these times are unprecedented. I agree with you there have been and are horrific things happening. This, a global meltdown of lives, lifestyle, economics, and, the implications of this thing, which are not even fully manifested, is unprecedented in our lifetime. This article is about being nice, it’s about being curious. As far as the analogies I used, those are specific examples of the exact same thing that my friend did, making others wrong for their beliefs. Look up moral panic and you will see what I mean. I couldn’t go into a full-blown thing on that in a 5-minute article. Thanks for reading and glad you enjoyed my piece. BTW, I love Pittsburgh, lived outside of Philly for many years, and did a lot of work in your great city.