Wow. Our paths are so similar. What a journey we have had. Michael Dettmers cleaned out DLM in the early 80’s, fired Dennis and a bunch of other administrators and installed me as the Prez. It was a non job because Dettmers ran the show. I was an instructor first. I’m in touch with Dennis via FB and yes, he’s a good guy, although he doesn’t appreciate the articles I’ve written criticizing Prem, of which there are at least 3 on Medium and posted on the ex premie website. You might be interested in those. I’m also in touch with Hans , the eldest son and wife. Let me tell you, what I’ve heard from them about how the he and Amar were treated by Prem is enough to make you vomit. Pathetic behavior from a parent, but in particular from someone who claims to be God. Ridiculous. I’m glad K is there for you, as it is for me. If you put in the work, which it sounds like you did, you get the payoff, no matter if the Guru is a jerk. Amazing, but true. Take care and be well.